Monday, November 10, 2014

All I Desire

I thought life was
To forever be
a trial, hardship
riddled with poverty

I thought life would be
what was told to me
a short-lived struggle
but, then after death
I’d be free

I saw life as
time to be served
with some enjoyments
as deserved
but mostly a physical
prison camp --
humans enslaved
at God’s discretion
forced to do His bidding

But, then I thought --
What of free-will?
Had to be more
‘cause that would be ill
And, if God is love,
that can’t be real
‘cause love never forces
Its will

Life had to be more
I had goals, desires
but, I was told
get educated
then I’d be hired

No one said,
I could also be fired
that from under me
security could be snatched
and left with goals
still unhatched

I reasoned --
There must be another way
some formula
to generate desires
without unnecessary delay

You've heard the words --
"Seek and you shall find,"
"Ask and the door opens"
Say, “Be,” and it is.

All for true!
Desires are at hand
generated instantaneously
on demand
for those who understand

Life is about living!
Conscious Thought
relieves desires' droughts
and abundance flows
Without wars being fought
Peace reigns
When understanding is gained

All I desire came about
when my life became
a living art
consciously connected
to the Human Us
I as the Artist, and
the world my canvas

All I desire
I paint in virtual mind
focus my intention
And live what is mine
as it is manifested 
in due time.

by Fabraye
revised 12.16.15

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I’m Out!

I’m out the box
The jig’s up
No more hiding
Or getting by sliding

Time to be
All I’ve ever desired
The Dauntless,
Creatively passionate,
Self-Directed me

Time for more fun
More abundance
More running,
Enjoying life’s game

Time for more power
More writing,
More speaking up
More productive thought
More of what life’s
Truly about

Time for more peace
From divided to unity
From poverty to prosperity
From bound to free

Time’s up,
No longer do I waiver
Life is in my favor
Experience flavored
For fulfillment
It’s what I’m about
Inspired by Divine Thought
No longer in the box
Look out World,
Cause I’m Out!

By Fabraye
All rights reserved.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking.
How atrocious, inhumane,  
Consciously insane
Unlawful, awful
Beyond sanities domain
To make any being a slave
And, in 2014
The worst ever seen


Human Trafficking.
Humans subdued,
Subjected to brutality
Without sentimentality
What a mentality
Turns humans into cargo
Under the guise
Of civilizing from savagery
Or the ruse
Of from poverty to servitude

Who has that right?
To subdue human beings
Claiming they did not fight
Stealing a child
From their mother’s sight
Denying a son
The dignity of his birth right
A country of their native’s insight
That ain’t right!
That’s the current claim
But centuries of the same
Current powers still disclaim
Though laws and history
Document their shame

Human Trafficking.
Call it by rightful name --
Modern day
Human beings stripped
Voided of dignity
Subjected to cruelty

Human Trafficking.
Stop it today
And, pay for yesterdays’
Neither goes away
It vividly remains as debasing now
As in days past
And without reciprocity
Through cellular consciousness continues to last

Human Trafficking.
Today and yesterday’s victims
Suffer due to Systems
Of thought, culture and tradition
Designed by every day folks
Of power and volition

Change the thought
Correct what’s past
And render Human Trafficking
Void of Mass

By Fabraye


Monday, October 20, 2014

“Truest Self’s Call”

Woman develops
by the desires of the heart
Man by the same
Humanity by the tracks
in behavior laid

The train ride of choice
Follows the result of each one’s
Level of Truth
Passengers, lookers-on, naysayers and
Pallet purveyors
All have opinions

But, the essence of Truth
Supersedes anyone’s version of it
As It remains undisturbed
Rooted in universal union of all that is,
Was, or ever will to be

Goodness, Greatness and God-ness awaits
Woman and man who choose to see
To live, to adhere to
The Truest self’s call, consciously.

By Fabraye


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


That great trench
That separates Man from God-like being
Actions of the great divide
Behind “love” we hide
Doing, amid secret desire
As if love in return
Were a thing for hire

Okay, to desire
To virtually admire
And realize fulfillment in the instant

Okay, to know
That instantaneous creation
Is alignment in action
Manifestations we physically show

Okay, to dream
So long as we awaken
And in inspired action
Maintain a focus, unshaken

Okay, to be in harmony
Aligned with purpose
Above the fate of destiny
Living past the sense of scarcity

Deny supply of others
What can be done for self
And, Real is reality
Foregoing expectation for certainty
Based on Universal’s promise
We live in spiritual health

Assured of wealth
A knowing certainty
Above belief

Expect nothing

And enjoy all in abundance!

A poem by Fabraye

Monday, October 13, 2014

Power of Choice

A Wise One once said,
Rain, Hail, Snow and Earthquakes
Are caused by the Son of Man
What a stand
While other’s perceived responsibility
Rested in some random upper hand
Wise One was correct
And, if today we comprehend
Then today begins a new reproductive trend

One where Awake, Aware and Absolute
Alternate realities are ours to choose
Say, “Yes,” and there is only to gain
The power of change
Showered as rain
Amid Conscious, collective, targeted choice
In the power of Collective Voice
Intensity like laser beams
In the magnitude of atomic energy
With capacity to rearrange
all we call normal, but is really strange
Ways adopted that kill and maim
Thoughts that have created poverty, pain
And Humanity’s current walk of shame

Clear, Committed and Confident
Is the new rally cry of The Conscious
Claiming ownership for what is
Understanding that attitude reflects leadership
And that therefore
The power to change is a possibility
And a human responsibility, That: …
Everyone have more than enough to eat
Health care be free and universally provided excellently
Education is marked by Universal Truths
And shared equally, energetically,
to empower the world’s youth
Nightly everyone rests under a clean, safe and secured roof
All wars end today
And auditing begins tomorrow,
that peace may replace the effects of sorrow
Every home has a garden
All foods are GMO-free
Rain falls as needed globally
The Earth is healed and heals us back
Daylight savings stops and the seasons are on track

All we have to say is, “Be.”
For life is as we Believe and Voice
And WE have the Power of Choice.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

To BeorTo Do”… That is the ?

To be or not to be
Easy for those
Blinded or who choose to see

To do or not to do
Easy for all
Subconsciously ruled

To Do…
Constant motion
Hurried from here, moved to there
Energy exerted
With stringent care
Seemingly, always aware
But shrouded by mind’s eye
The rush, rush of not life’s truth’s
But it’s dares
Fears of lack: money, success, love
As the evidence we shrug
In perpetual cycle
We continue to live
As we do

To Be…
Or not to be
Is a crime
Might as well build a shrine
Marked by stone
As one not alone
Alive in graveyards of living dead

To bypass To Do in favor of To Be…
Is to choose to live
At the seat of your soul
Amid flowers that perpetually grow
In a rhythm of infinite flow
Among A-tones that instinctively know
From actions always inspired
And abundance never retired
A life blossoming
Perpetually in your favor
One, in joy, to forever savor
A reality in which you are free
To be!

To Do or To Be?...


Friday, October 3, 2014


To have it all  --
A simple task.
Outside of one’s senses
then, is the where to bask
In the light
Of the simplest you
By soul, searching, truth
The essence of youth
Childlike innocence
Untainted, unmarred, unshaken
At peace within your own essence
Every problem, worry, disturbance
Will yield to the silence
Of your internal quiet, calm, subtle pulse
And vibrate to rhythm
You assign it
Resound it
Nullify it
As you choose
Consciously is key
Accept it
Or refuse
Life duplicates
One’s internal light
Or Dittos darknesses’ dingy flight
As it follows
Passion or Poverty
Peace and Prosperity
Come to all
An outward response
Of one’s internal call
To enjoy true wealth
Is to assemble the mass of you
To enjoy the Peace & Prosperity you seek,
Universally, consciously
Choose to align
With all that is

Unobviously You. 

by Fabraye

Friday, September 26, 2014

True Beauty Poem

True Beauty 

There seems some confusion
Some mistaken or erroneous conclusions
Surrounding appearance:
Complexion, shape, size --
That somehow clone-ism is a high
A level to which to be attained
That one’s differences, on mankind,
Are somehow a stain;
A blemish to be remodeled, removed, compromised
To satisfy a hidden-hand status quo
To be tolerated, when on the human chain
You are considered low
But, once on the rise, you’re scrutinized
By ability, talent, performance --?  No!
By intellect,  consciousness, service --?  No!
By compassion, kindness, honesty --?  No!
Then something is sincerely wrong
That requires righting
A clarity on the True Beauty of rarity
The True Beauty of uniqueness
The True Beauty of Truth
The True Beauty of Self-Love,
Awareness, Fulfillment and Presence.
An understanding that the Original You
Is True Beauty in Human Form
100 Times superior
To what others may attempt to impose.
As you Accept and Own your Original You
Complexion, Shape, Size
And all the Awesomeness entailed
You Shine as the brightest of Stars
Amid the darkest of skies
And in the dismiss of frivolous compromise
Through infinity of time
Generations will recall
Your True Beauty.

by Fabraye
