Monday, September 2, 2013

The Big 5 - 0

The Big 5 - 0

It’s my birthday
The Big 5 - 0
Just to let you know

No regrets
No stops
No broods or pouts

It’s been a mix
Some wrongful picks
Some hella ups
And heartful downs

It’s my birthday
The Big 5 - 0
Just to let you know

The forty-nine
Gotta let you go
Chalk to experience
And unconscious flow

On Plan A’s climb
Without distraction of - B
Will Smith said it
And now I see

From this point on
All’s gotta count
In my favor
That’s the route

Skies no limit
I’m damn deep in
Tele-focused to win it
Like Noah Bennett

It’s my birthday
The Big 5 - 0
Just to let you know

All I claim
May seem insane
Un-wet walks
Through drops of rain

Boat-less water rides
Nothin’ left to hide
Just got it like that
Since awake and back

Plane-less air soars
Always adored
Like Simba to Scar
From runner to ruler
With just one roar

It’s my birthday
The Big 5 - 0
Just to let you know

No more fears
Life remnants handled
Audited out
Real for what appeared
The path’s coming Clear

Love’s in the air
Conquered by war and fair
Defined by me
With one who cares

It’s my birthday
The Big 5 - 0
Just to let you know

Another 50, maybe more
Saving face under a score
Destined for lean, limber and strong
That can’t be wrong

With regenerated cells
Abundance over hell
Godly choices availed
Can’t you tell?

It’s My Birthday
The Big 5 - 0
Just to let you know

You’re here to witness
To tell what you see
Observe created destiny
Starts now 1-2-3 …

A Simpy Fab Poem©

All rights reserved

Friday, August 2, 2013

Black Mindset Recall

I heard someone say
That we would be free one day
They were still a slave

Subtly guided
On their speech
How to behave
By people from caves

Those we had trained
Those we had shown
How to plant
How to till the land

From sugar cane, cotton
To cleaning their homes, be neat
How to raise children

Property mindset
Must be stopped at all cost
Time to be the boss

Benefit from self
Labor for a common cause
Independence Now


Make products for self
Distribute what we have made
Buy from each other

There’s no other way
A new mindset starts today
Job or self-employed?

Black business is life
End to economic strife
And Just Over Broke

Truth, this ain’t no joke
Work together or perish
Unify, flourish

Money has good use
Can earn us respect worldwide
Black dollars combined

Elijah did it
Showed what Black dollars can do
Time to revisit

Be Black, Buy Black, Think
Garvey said it best, said loud
We are Black and Proud!

A Simpy Fab Poem©
All rights reserved

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Sorry, it's been so long since my last post everyone. I got back from the west coast, and am slowly getting resettled. But, here's a new poem I just finished. Feel free to share this site with your friends. And, I appreciate your feedback.  Peace and Blessings... Fabraye.


Man, sometimes
It takes mom
What seems like forever
To twist, straighten
or braid my hair

See, that’s what mom’s do
Make us presentable
It’s one way they show us
How much they care

So, others won’t  stare
If they dare
‘cause when it comes to mamas
And their children
All had better beware

But, on this day
It was no stranger
Who incurred mama’s wrath
It was pappy, and as a joke
And he called my hair, “nappy”

Now, usually mama
Is of the quiet sort
But on this day
She lost all rapport

She inhaled and ex’d
From one righteous explicative
To the next
Pappy tried to stand his ground
But on my esteem’s behalf
She wore him down

Her hair, super curly,
is the mark of warrior queens
Where only the strongest
Of strong survived
And in her
All remain to be seen

Her hair, liken to lamb’s wool,
Is a badge of honor
A lineage reminder
Of our historical greats
Who in the face of opposition
Held to right
And relentlessly stood

Her hair, nappy, kinky
Or whatever you say
Carries our DNA
And connects us to a past
One survived, and the link
To the blessing of a new day.

Pappy looked past mama
And into my teary eyes
He bid me to come closer
And, lifted me high in to the air
As if to raise me above
My temporary demise

I meant no harm by my words
I mean, to think your hair
Is other than beautiful
Would be absurd

I love it every kind of way
From afro-puffs to beads and braids
And, I respect the fact
That mom does it most every day
So, whether it’s straight or “nappy”
Doesn’t matter what I or anyone says

You are beautiful
You are intelligent
You are compassionate
An incarnate of God herself

So, wear it well
And let all who choose to stare
Your unique and beautiful hair
is a crowning glory
to you and our ancestors’ story.

Take that to the bank
And cash it on Pappy.

A Simpy Fab Poem©

All rights reserved

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Up Longer Than Down

You look at the shadow
Down trodden
Sleeping on the street
Dormant, wondering
Where’s his next quarter
Or when will he next eat?

You think, what a travesty
Why is his story so bleak?
As if life started
Where you two first meet
Which is far from the truth
Of his history

You think maybe
Because his skin is brown
When in truth
He comes from stock
That’s been up
Much longer than down

So many shadows of color
But all are Black
Just treading on tough roads
Where the deck’s been stacked

But, the shadow’s
No Johnny Come Lately
Long time it’s been around
And longer up, than down

From Pyramids to Timbuktu
To Garvey, Elijah, and Martin King too
Giants among few
Masters among pigmies
Envied and turned blue
Outraged at the thought of change
That would alter
The slave-master game
Recrown a glory
And rewrite our story

One that reads in simple words
Your success is eminent
And not absurd

You are proud
And destined to rule
Your hieroglyphics set the basis
For all the world’s schools
But the knowledge was changed,
Rearranged, and with it
You’ve been hoodwinked,
Bamboozled and fooled

But, at the end of the day
You’ve been up
Longer than down

You wore a smile longer
Than you’ve worn this frown
You’ve been wiser longer
Than a White man’s clown

But, you look at the shadow
Down trodden
Two pay checks from homeless
Worried and overly stressed

Black people, once proud
Now broke and depressed
It seems hopeless
Oh, what a mess!

But, there is light
At the end of the tunnel
A rope on which to hold
We just have to be bold

Say it loud
“I’m Black, and I’m Proud!”
Stand up! And remove the shroud
Join hands will all
Who look like you, like me
Our power is in our unity

Together as a solid wall
Nullifies Humpty and breaks his fall
As a crowd we form a safety net
That one day
The world will respect

Then, what was shadow
Will be in the light
Standing upright and poised to fight
Prepared to make a new life

One where prosperity abounds
As we re-member
We’ve been up
longer than down.

A Simpy Fab Poem©

All rights reserved

Sunday, June 2, 2013

100% Employed

Go to school
Get a good job
Life is hard
For the out of work slob

Go to school
Get a job
No worries
They’ll always be work
From janitor to file clerk
Or one, atop the list
As Trump’s highly paid Apprentice

See, times have changed
Jobs run out
Plantations gone
Farms and factories fazed
Integration open
And Black businesses closed

Education available to all
Designed to keep
Modern day slaves on call

While the sciences of
Self-Mastery, Mating and Marketing,
Remain a mystery
And entrepreneurship back seated
To doing for self and
Letting freedom ring

Yeah, it’s a heck of a thing
Millions of collective dollars
Available to spend
Yet we set no trends
Continue to follow
As others bend our Will

Afraid to get down and dirty
So our children are like the wind
To and fro
Job to job
Prison to death row
Insecure because we’ve failed
And left them nothing sturdy

What skill will we pass?
What business will they inherit?
What institution will our lives outlast?

Oh, no worries …
Those are concerns for responsible adults
Those interested in limitless results
Those with a mind to be truly free
The courage to right history
And chart a new destiny

No need to be annoyed
Maybe tomorrow you’ll be
100% employed.

A Simpy Fab Poem©

All rights reserved

Friday, May 31, 2013

To BE …

Awareness is
A heck of a thing

Like a bell
Migrainely chiming
Ding! Ding! Ding!

A wake up call
Finally making sense
Of it all

The Why’s of life
Coming home to roost

Psychosomatic ills healed
Revitalized with a sonic boost.

No more wonder
Why no place felt like home
Why I was compelled to roam

The reel-to-reel
Stories of pain
Shrouded progress
And tainted every gain

Unconsciously played
Over and again.
Over and again

I served others
But forgot to be
My own best friend

Thank God
This has come to an end

P. P. and L.
Is to where I am compelled
And Love

Now starts from within
And rains down from above

And conscious,
I opted to give
Myself a brake

To openly see
To live to Be.

A Simpy Fab Poem©

All rights reserved